Baltic States – CIS, Latvia, Legislation

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 13.03.2025, 00:37

Lindermans' party For Native Language officially registered in Latvia

Alla Petrova, BC, Riga, 25.07.2012.Print version
The Register of Enterprises earlier this month officially registered political party called For Native Language, established by Vladimirs Lindermans, one of the initiators of the language referendum.

Before July 16, the party's name was January 13th Movement.


After the January 13, 2009 riots in Riga's Old Town, in which Lindermans did not participate, the January 13th Movement was established, which later formed association "Internacionale" together with "Osipovs Party" of Jevgenijs Osipovs, and has now been renamed For Native Language, writes LETA.


Explaining why the party was renamed, Lindermans says: "It is important that voters recognize our party, especially because neither me, nor Osipovs will be able to run in the elections as we both are non-citizens. Therefore the party needs a name that will attract voters' attention."


For Native Language will strive to achieve Latvian citizenship for all non-citizens and an official language status for Russian, Lindermans said previously.

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