Baltic States – CIS, Latvia, Legislation, Strike

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 28.03.2025, 15:20

Around 50 demonstrators outside Foreign Ministry in Riga demand Rinkevics' resignation

BC, Riga, 15.08.2014.Print version
Approximately 50 pro-Russia demonstrators participated in today's demonstration, organized by the Latvian Union of Russians, outside of the Foreign Ministry, demanding that Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkevics (Unity) steps down.

As LETA observed, the participants were expressing their dissatisfaction at Latvia's foreign policy course, which they believe is hindering Latvian-Russian relations, as well as economic relations.


The rally is being organized by one of the leaders of the Latvian Union of Russians and former MP Jakovs Pliners.


The demonstrators were holding posters urging people to support a more favorable stance with Russia, and expressed the point of view that politics influences the economy, not the other way around.


There were also several persons who addressed the crowd, saying that the people will suffer from starvation and poverty due to the Russia sanctions. They also threatened that the current government ''will be wiped away when the people begin to revolt''.


One of the most active debaters, a ''regular'' at such event, Josifs Korens expressed the point of view that the government has left the people ''without pants'', and, while looking at Pliners, urged people to think long and hard who they will vote for in the upcoming elections.


Also participating at the event was the controversial National-Bolshevik activist Beness Aijo.


As LETA observed, many passersby expressed their dislike for Pliners' demonstration, by whistling at the demonstrators and using strong language.

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