Latvia, Markets and Companies, Telecomunications, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 28.03.2025, 12:47

Latvian Transport Minister walks out of "TV5" studio on-air

Nina Kolyako, BC, Riga, 01.09.2010.Print version
Transport Minister Kaspars Gerhards (TB/LNNK) yesterday walked out of the "TV5" studio live on air after being denied the opportunity to speak Latvian on the show "Bez cenzuras", LETA was informed by the minister's advisor Inga Sprinke. According to Sprinke, Gerhards harshly criticized "the actions of TV5".

Kaspars Gerhards.

Gerhards had appeared live on "TV5" to discuss current developments in the transport sector. Although the show "Bez cenzuras" takes place in the Russian language, the presenter was informed in advance that Gerhards would speak in Latvian; however, as the broadcast began, the minister was denied the opportunity to speak in the state language, explained Sprinke.


After introducing the show, presenter Andrejs Mamikins greeted Gerhards, who answered in Latvian. After being prompted by Mamikins to switch to Russian, Gerhards refused, indicating that he had given warning that he would speak Latvian and that the studio could probably provide a translation.


The presenter pointed out that Gerhards had spoken Russian on TV previously; however, the minister repeatedly refused to change language. The show was prepared for such an eventuality, and broadcast clips from its archive in which Gerhards spoke Russian.


A poll took place in which viewers were invited to assess the minister's action. One possible answer was that this was a patriotic act, and "TV5" should be shut down. The second was that this was extreme nationalism, while the third answer was that the minister was not at fault for his actions, and had been forced to act this way by his party.


During an advertising break, Gerhards left the studio. The show later showed footage of the minister walking out.


Sprinke indicated that the minister had decided to turn to the National Radio and Television Council and the State Language Center with a request to evaluate the actions of "TV5".


The owner of the "TV5" channel is Andrejs Ekis, who is the leader of the movement For a Good Latvia and also took part in founding the political party of the same name.

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