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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 20.09.2024, 22:36

Edelaraudtee, Elron to test train speeds of 140 kmh

BC, Tallinn, 24.08.2020.Print version
Edelaraudtee in collaboration with Elron is about to stage a test on specific sections of the Tallinn-Viljandi rail track where the speed limit for trains is due to be raised to 140 kilometers per hour in the near future, informs LETA/BNS.

Higher speeds will be tried in straight sections of the railway between the stations of Liiva and Kiisa, Turi and Vohma and Vohma and Viljandi, Edelaraudtee informed on Monday. As a safety measure, Edelaraudtee will post safety patrols at level crossings during the tests. 

"The main purpose of the test is to obtain truthful information about how a train going at a higher speed behaves on the Edelaraudtee infrastructure, in order for it to be as safe as possible for passengers, and to find out about the effect on the timetables in the future," Edelaraudtee Board Member Rain Kaarjas said in a press release. 

He added that the findings of the test will be a good input to be taken into consideration in capital overhauls of the railway in the future.

Edelaraudtee AS is a railway infrastructure company which manages 222.16 kilometers of railways, 11 railway stations and 20 passenger platforms outside of railway stations. 

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