Financial Services, Latvia, Legislation, Security, Technology

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 05.09.2024, 08:03

Latvia must evaluate country's cyber security situation

Nina Kolyako, BC, Riga, 17.02.2010.Print version
We must evaluate the country's cyber security situation, Latvia’s Prime Minister Valdis Dombrovskis (New Era) told Latvian State Radio in an interview this morning. The premier considers the State Revenue Service's (SRS) data leak to be a highly serious situation.

The SRS's internal investigation will end this week. During the investigation, an assessment will be made of why a hole appeared in the system, and the responsible parties will be called to account if specific officials are shown to be guilty, explained the prime minister.


Meanwhile, the Finance Ministry will conclude his investigation into the matter next week, when it will be possible to assess what happened, when the hole appeared and when it was closed, informs LETA.


The prime minister learned of the SRS information leak in the second half of last week. He received his information from the finance minister, as much as the latter had at his disposal.


The prime minister remarked that the SRS spent more than LVL one million in 2008 on an IT security inspection, so it is not clear why the hole was not discovered.


The premier does not think that the Constitutional Protection Bureau will have to carry out an inspection of the systems of all state institutions. However, special services are involved in the investigation into the SRS leak, announced the prime minister.


As previously reported, the SRS have apologized to taxpayers for not ensuring the security of their data, and promised to cooperate with the law enforcement authorities in the investigation of the matter.


The SRS hope for a clarification as soon as possible of the reasons for the incident, in order to bring the guilty parties to account, including SRS officials if such are proved to have acted unlawfully or carelessly.


As reported, businesses consider the data leak to have undermined their trust in state institutions.

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