Estonia, EU – Baltic States, Technology, Tourism

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 05.09.2024, 13:53

Tallinn will get a 3D model of Old Town in 2011

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 18.05.2010.Print version
The Estonian State Information Systems Development centre approved of the application submitted by Tallinn’s city planning department that applies for EU cohesion fund support and thus the city will get over 6.3 mln kroons to create a virtual 3D model of the Old Town, LETA/Eesti Päevaleht reports.

The city planning department’s geomatics service director Kristel Lelov-Brossard said that work on the model can start after contracts have been concluded i.e. in a week’s time. The project will provide work for around 15 companies, one from Norway and the rest from Estonia.


First, data will be collected for the model for which the Norwegians fly over the Old Town with a helicopter and measure and laser scan objects. The same will be done on ground. After that an environment will be created to include 3D models of objects, photos, tourism info and audio and video guides.


The aim is to introduce Tallinn to potential tourists and entrepreneurs abroad with the possibility of making virtual city tours. The city wants to complete the 3D environment by 2011 when it is the European Culture Capital.

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