Estonia, Internet, Legislation, Technology

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 26.12.2024, 11:17

Just a half of active Estonian web domains have been reregistered

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 30.12.2010.Print version
Just around a half of active Estonian web domains, or around a quarter of all Estonian internet domains have been reregistered so far despite the deadline for the action nearing, LETA/Äripä cites the evaluation of Elion.

The deadline for reregistering all of Estonian domains is on January 5 and after that, the domains that have not passed the preregistration process, will be deleted and someone else can apply for them.


Elion’s domain products business manager Päärn Brauer said that it is the high time to reregister one’s domain since otherwise there is a real possibility of losing it.


"By now around a fourth of around 80,000 domains in Estonia have been reregistered, thus a lot of work lies still ahead,” Brauer said. “It is clear that all domains will not be reregistered and there is no need for that. But if one wishes to preserve one’s domain, one should do it at once,” he said.


Elion is one of the several domain registry keepers.

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