Analytics, Industry, Latvia, Markets and Companies

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 02.02.2025, 00:57

Manufacturing turnover in Latvia in January decreased by 0.1%

Līga Pranča, Statistics Latvia, 11.03.2015.Print version
Latest data compiled by the Central Statistical Bureau show that compared to December 2014 manufacturing turnover in January 2015 according to seasonally adjusted data (at current prices) decreased by 0.1%, which was affected by reduction of turnover on the domestic market by 3.5%.

In exports turnover increased by 4.4%, of which in Eurozone – by 26.1% (as of January 1 this year Lithuania joined Eurozone), but in Non-eurozone there was a reduction of 4.8%.


Turnover decrease in January, compared to the previous month, was observed in manufacture of chemical and chemical products – by 18.8%, of which in exports – by 30.8%, but in domestic market there was an increase of 5.3%, in manufacture of electrical equipment – of 13% (in domestic market – of 21%, in exports – of 8.9%). Reduction was recorded in the manufacturing sectors having the largest share: in wood processing – of 0.2% and in manufacture of food products – of 0.2%. Reason for the drop in both sectors was turnover reduction in domestic market.


But turnover increase was observed in manufacture of furniture – of 27.5%, in manufacture of wearing apparel – of 8.2% and in manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment – of 6.2%.  Growth was observed both in domestic market, and in exports.

Changes in turnover of selected manufacturing sectors, January 2015, compared to January 2014
(%, calendar adjusted data)

Data source: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia


Compared to January 2014 industrial turnover in manufacturing (according to calendar adjusted data) in January 2015 reduced by 1.7%, of which in domestic market – by 6%, but in export there was a growth of 3.5%. Exports growth was promoted by increase of manufacturing turnover in Eurozone – by 21.9%, but in Non-eurozone there was a decrease of 7.1%.

More information on seasonally adjusted, calendar adjusted and non-adjusted industrial production turnover indices is available in the CSB database section Industry.

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