Analytics, Education and Science, Latvia, Statistics

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 23.02.2025, 09:50

Latvia and Lithuania in TOP 5 EU Member States, the majority of scientists and engineers were women

BC, Riga, 12.02.2019.Print version
In 2017, of almost 18 million scientists and engineers in the EU, 59% were men and 41% women, infotmed Eurostat.

Men were particularly overrepresented in high and medium-high technology manufacturing (83% of scientists and engineers in such manufacturing were male), while the gender ratio in the services sector was more balanced (55% male and 45% female).

However, in five EU Member States, the majority of scientists and engineers were women: Lithuania (57% female), Bulgaria and Latvia (both 53%), Portugal (51%) and Denmark (just over 50%).

Less than one third of scientists and engineers were women in Hungary and Luxembourg (both 25%), Finland (29%), and Germany (33%).

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