Analytics, EU – Baltic States, Wages

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 22.02.2025, 01:10

Minimum wage in Baltic States is one of the lowest in Europe

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 31.07.2009.Print version
Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia have one of the lowest minimum wages in Europe, the Estonian newsportal PM Online/LETA reports.

According to Eurostat, the minimum wage in Estonia is LVL 197.7 or EUR 278, in Latvia it is LVL 180, whilst in Lithuania the minimum wage is LVL 163 per month.


The minimum wage in countries such as France, Ireland, Great Britain and the Netherlands is over EUR 1,000 (LVL 703) per month.


Finland, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Italy and Greece have not regulated their minimum pay with laws.


In comparison to the ratio of minimum pay towards the average pay, Estonia is also among the tailgaters, only ahead of Romania with 30%.

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