Analytics, EU – Baltic States, Inflation, Latvia

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 22.02.2025, 01:15

Latvia had just the fifth highest inflation rate in the EU in July

Nina Kolyako, BC, Riga, 14.08.2009.Print version
Annual inflation in Latvia decreased to 2.1% in July 2009, compared to 3.1% in June, therefore Latvia had just the fifth highest inflation rate in the European Union last month, as the EU statistical office Eurostat informs.

Inflation in Latvia is no longer the highest in the EU for four months already.


Before that, Latvia used to have the EU's highest inflation rate for almost four years with a few brief interruptions.


The data from the Latvian Central Statistical Bureau, calculated according to a different methodology, said previously that annual inflation in Latvia reached 2.5% in July.


In July, the lowest annual rates were observed in Ireland (-2.6%), Belgium (-1.7%) and Luxembourg (-1.5%), and the highest in Romania (5%), Hungary (4.9%) and Poland (4.5%).


Compared with June, annual inflation fell in twenty Member States, remained stable in one and rose in five.


The average EU annual inflation was 0.2% in July, down from 0.6% in June.


The euro area registered a 0.7% deflation in July, down from a 0.1% deflation in June.

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