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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 20.09.2024, 19:42

Monthly expenditures for an average Latvian family are almost LVL 590

Nina Kolyako, BC, Riga, 20.10.2010.Print version
An average Latvian family spends almost one third or LVL 180 of its monthly income on food and meals out of doors, according to the Central Statistical Bureau's data. Overall, monthly expenditures for an average family are almost LVL 590. The second highest category of spending is transportation and communications, on which a little bit more than LVL 100 is spent per month. Expenditures on housing slightly exceed LVL 90.

An average Latvian family lives in a private dwelling consisting of two rooms with an area of 61 square metres, writes LETA.


An average family consists of three people – a 36-year-old male and a 33-year-old female, who have been married for nine years, and their 9-year-old son. It is predicted that the male will live till 72 years, but the female – 10 years longer – to 82.


The husband works 42 hours a week on the average, his wife – 33 hours. Each of them travels 10 hours a week. For a wife, cooking and cleaning take up 26 hours a week, but for the husband, housework takes up just 10 hours a week.


Their son spends 20 hours a week in school, and the same period of time he spends at the TV and computer. Sports activities take up 11 hours a week. His father watches TV 14 hours a week, but mother – 3 hours less. The adults sleep almost 60 hours a week, but their son – 70 hours.


During a year, the family, eating at home, consumes 120 litres of whole milk, 590 eggs, 93 kilograms of meat, 265 kg potato, 5 kg coffee from beans and a little more than 12 kg of sweets.

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