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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 04.09.2024, 23:42

Ansip: we cannot do without Latvia

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 19.12.2011.Print version
On Friday a cooperation conference of Estonia and Latvia took place in Tartu, with Estonian and Latvian prime ministers present, informed BC Estonian government's pres service.

At the cooperation conference in Tartu, 16.12.2011. Photo:

Estonian Prime Minister Andrus Ansip said that the success of both states depends a lot on relations with each other. He said that the cooperation with our Southern neighbours has been very fruitful, but we cannot stop at what has been achieved.


Quoting a poem by Hando Runnel, Ansip stressed that for real success, it is not enough to just implement the interests and aim of one's own state but cooperation between Estonia and Latvia is of critical importance. "For Estonians the expression "We cannot do without Latvia" has become a proverb, although it was worded by Estonian modern poet Hando Runnel. The wide spread of that expression shows how natural people the connectedness of our two states consider to be," said Ansip.


Ansip said that now new projects have to be carried out together like Rail Baltica and the region's energy policy aims can only be implemented together in order to exit energy isolation.


Latvian Prime Minister Dombrovskis noted that the cooperation of the two states in international organisations is also important. He said that Estonia and Latvia share common interests in international issues like overcoming the euro debt crisis.


The cooperation conference was dedicated to education and thus education ministers of both states: Jaak Aaviksoo and Roberts Kilis were present.

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