Analytics, Demography, Latvia, Society

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 20.02.2025, 22:02

17 260 children born during 10 months in Latvia; 449 newborn more

Baiba Zukula, Statistics Latvia, 20.11.2013.Print version
Provisional data compiled by the Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia (CSB) show that, during the 10 months of 2013, 17 260 newborn were registered in Latvia; 1 880 babies were born in October – 140 children more, as compared to September. Moreover, in comparison with the first 10 months of 2012, when 16 811 children were born, the number is only 449 newborn higher.

The monthly number of births currently does not include children born abroad*, and data will be revised bearing in mind that children are counted up basing on their registration month instead of their birth month, moreover child may be registered within a month after the birth.

Number of births in 2012 and 2013 by month

Data source: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia


Death rates still exceed the numbers recorded last year. In the 10 months of 2013, 24 335 people in Latvia have passed away. Moreover, as compared to the same period of the previous year, when 23 919 Latvia residents died, it is 416 people more.


Natural increase in Latvia still stays negative; during the time period from January to October, as the number of deaths exceeded the number of births, population number has dropped by 7 075 residents (by 7 108 people during the same period of 2012).

The trend towards the increasing marriage number continues as well. During the 10 months of this year, 10 261 marriage was registered in the country – 442 marriages more, as compared to the ten months of 2012.

Number of births, deaths and marriages in 2013 by month

Data source: Central Statistical Bureau of Latvia


Population number on 1 November 2013 accounted for 2 million 8.7 thousand – 15 thousand or 0.7% less than at the beginning of the year. In comparison with the same period of the previous year, population decrease rate during the ten months of this year has become slightly lower. 


Information on population number and key demographic indicators are available in CSB database. Birth and deaths numbers are available in CSB database.


More information on the number of births, deaths and natural increase in 2013 will be published in the 2nd quarter of 2014.


* Starting from 2000, the number of births includes also children born outside Latvia to mother (permanent resident of Latvia) temporarily (for less than one year) abroad. In compliance with the methodology of the Statistical Office of the European Union (Eurostat) mentioned children should be included in the number of children born in Latvia. Before including child in the number of births the information on mother’s place of residence is evaluated as well as National Health Service data on whether newborn has received health care services paid by the State is studied.

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