Analytics, Estonia, EU – Baltic States, Integration, Legislation

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 21.02.2025, 22:06

MISA supports 97 people in returning to Estonia

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 07.02.2014.Print version
The 'Our People' Integration and Migration Foundation (MISA) allocated a total of approximately 75,000 euros in assistance to 97 people of Estonian origin returning to the country in 2013, reported BC press service of MISA.

MISA has been supporting the return of ethnic Estonians and Estonian citizens from abroad to their home country since 1992. Needs-based assistance is also received through MISA by third country nationals who wish to waive their Estonian residence permit, leave Estonia and return to their home country.


MISA provides both those returning and those leaving with advisory services without charge and, according to Martin Eber, the Coordinator of its Civic Education and Migration Unit, the number of those who wish to return to Estonia as well as those who have received assistance has been constantly increasing in recent years.


"In 2012 we granted return assistance to 91 people, while 36 third country nationals received assistance to leave Estonia," Eber explained. "Last year return assistance was allocated to 97 people, and a further 36 third country nationals left the country with the help of the assistance."


The migration assistance provided by MISA can be applied for by people who have been away from Estonia for at least ten years. The maximum amount payable to returnees is 2,000 euros, and this can be applied for up to six months after returning. The maximum amount of assistance paid to those leaving the country is 1,000 euros.


"In the last couple of years the largest number of people returning to Estonia have come from the United States and Russia, but the number of returnees from Ukraine and Kazakhstan is also worth mentioning," Eber said. "People are also coming back from other EU Member States and elsewhere. In 2013, the largest number of returnees came from Russia (30 people) and the USA (24). 12 people came back from Ireland and five ethnic Estonians came from Uzbekistan."


Most of the returnees who received assistance from MISA were younger working-age people with children. The number of minors who came back to Estonia with their parents was 32. People who waived their Estonian residence permit and settled elsewhere were mostly between 56 and 75 years of age (25 people) and the country where the largest number (32 people) settled was Russia.


"We can't say, of course, that the data describe the overall trends in migration in Estonia, since we can only talk about those who qualify for our assistance, but year by year we've more and more reason to be glad, since following their return to Estonia we can help working-age families who come here with their children," Eber said.


The return of Estonians and Estonian citizens who have been away from the country for a long time or who were born abroad as well as third country nationals to their homelands has been supported since 1992. Assistance can be applied for by ethnic Estonians who have Estonian citizenship or an Estonian residence permit, who emigrated from Estonia at least ten years ago or who were born in a foreign country and require assistance to come (back) to Estonia due to their financial and social status. Assistance in leaving Estonia for a third country of up to 1,000 euros can be applied for by third country nationals and people of undefined citizenship who have been living in Estonia for at least ten years and who have a valid travel or other document allowing them to return. A re-migrant must assume a written obligation to leave Estonia and their residence permit must be revoked. Non-Estonian citizens who wish to leave must be released from Estonian citizenship pursuant to a decision of the Government of the Republic.


In 2014, assistance will also be granted from the state budget through the Ministry of Culture on a needs basis, i.e. taking into account financial and social status. Over the years MISA has supported the return of approx. 26,000 people to their home countries and approx. 1,900 ethnic Estonians or Estonian citizens to Estonia.

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