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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 28.10.2024, 09:27

Memorial bust of British admiral unveiled in Tallinn

BC, Tallinn, 14.12.2015.Print version

Commander of Estonian defense forces Lt. Gen. Riho Terras on December 12th unveiled in Tallinn the memorial bust of British Admiral Sir Edwyn Alexander-Sinclair who supported the Estonian people in the 1918-1920 War of Independence, informs LETA/BNS.


"I'm glad to stand here and unveil a monument to a distinguished naval officer," Terras said at the opening ceremony in the courtyard of the Scottish Club in Tallinn's Old Town. "He was the first to set the course for a fleet that had not been issued very clear orders."


Alongside the weapons delivered by the British light cruiser squadron, it was Alexander-Sinclair's initiative in leading the British seamen that helped Estonia to win the War of Independence, Terras said.


The unveiling was preceded by the traditional commemoration at the defense forces cemetery in remembrance of British seamen who gave their lives in the War of Independence. Wreaths in honor of the fallen were laid among others by the Estonian defense chief and representatives of the British embassy, the Estonian Navy and the naval division of the volunteer corps Kaitseliit (Defense League).


The British light cruiser squadron commanded by Adm. Alexander-Sinclair arrived in Tallinn on Dec. 12, 1918, bringing large amounts of weapons, ammunition and other materiel. Its arrival had a significant impact on the course of the War of Independence.


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