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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 28.10.2024, 15:33

Norwegian Ambassador in Estonia dies

BC, Tallinn, 03.09.2010.Print version

Norwegian Ambassador to Estonia Stein Vegard Hagen died in Tallinn yesterday, Estonian press reports.


A book of condolences is opened on Monday and Tuesday in the Norwegian embassy.


The Riigikogu Estonian-Norwegian friendship group expressed deep condolences to Hagen’s wife and children, writes LETA.


“With his big heart and awe-inspiring will of work, the ambassador always reached even the smallest of Estonian corners where he tirelessly helped to create new contacts and bring Norway closer to Estonia. Being a frequent guest in the Riigikogu he always had energy for new initiatives. It is hard to overestimate his personal contribution to enlivening the Estonian-Norwegian relations,” said the friendship groups’ chairman Imre Sooäär.


Hagen was Norway’s ambassador to Estonia since 2005.

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