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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 19.03.2025, 14:22

Estonian carrots may reach U.S. military in Afghanistan

BC, Tallinn, 07.09.2010.Print version

In the near future, Estonia will be visited by officials dealing with acquiring provisions for the U.S. Armed Forces, looking for enterprises that would be able to supply food, mainly vegetables, and drinking water to soldiers fighting in Afghanistan and, if possible, also construction materials, LETA/Postimees writes.


When the U.S. army went to Iraq in 2003, U.S. authorities promised that once the building up of the state starts, companies of countries who have sent their troops to the war will be preferred. Seven years later, that hasn’t become true at least for Estonian companies, Postimees writes.


Now they might have a chance in Afghanistan. U.S. Defence Logistics Agency is being invited here by the Estonian Association of Defence Industry that has forwarded the relevant information on the procurements to local enterprises.


Initially the visit was to take place on September 20-24 but most recent information says it has been postponed.


Americans who are generally known for bureaucracy and tough requirements have this time not presented specific conditions to Estonian companies: they say what goods are needed, companies offer what they have and how much they can give. Estonian Association of Defence Industry board member Jüri Ilves said that things will proceed fast: when the Americans like what they see, they will sign the contract and trade can start.


Before Tallinn, Americans will visit Riga where they are looking for the same goods.


The Association is optimistic though: once they can get a foot in, it means a start of new and profitable cooperation.


One of the companies that submitted its offer to Americans was AS Sagro which produces 500 tonnes of vegetables a year. Its manager Kalle Reiter said that if their offer is accepted they can double the production volume. Another company that has been contacted is AS Värska Vesi that produces 9,000 bottles of bottled water an hour.


Currently, one type of Estonian product can be seen in Afghanistan: living containers. These are produced by 3S Estonia and their production reaches Afghanistan via Scandinavian mediation companies.

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