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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 28.10.2024, 13:17

Lithuanian Hamlet to appear in London’s festival

BC, Vilnius, 26.04.2012.Print version

London's Shakespeare Globe theatre commenced the "Globe to Globe" festival, which will showcase performances of every single Shakespear's play, Lithuania's Hamlet directed by Eimuntas Nekrosius, The Lithuania Tribune reports referring to lrt.lt.


Andrius Mamontovas is playing the protagonist in the staging, writes LETA.


As London is in preparations for the Olympic Games, the organizators call the festival the Olympics of Culture.


Nekrosius' play Hamlet has been performed for 15 years already. However, it has never been staged in London.


"Globe to Globe" is a part of a worldwide Shakespeare's festival, which will last until November; the plays will be performed in Stratford-upon-Avon, Birmingham, Edinburgh and Wales.


London-based festival will last until June. Eimuntas Nekrosius' Hamlet will be performed in the last days of the festival.

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