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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 22.09.2024, 13:33

Azubalis: EU should apply uniform standards for assessing progress achieved by all neighbours

Petras Vaida, BC, Vilnius, 15.11.2011.Print version
On Monday, at the European Union's Foreign Affairs Council meeting in Brussels, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Audronius Azubalis stressed that the EU's support – closer political cooperation, economic integration and financial support – was especially necessary to the countries that had embarked on the path of democracy, informed BC the press service of the Foreign Ministry.

The meeting focused on the situation in the EU's Southern neighbours: Tunisia, Libya and Syria.


Azubalis supported the EU policy of placing restrictive measures against the Syrian president's regime and called for better coordination of efforts with other international political actors, such as the Arab League, the United Nations or Turkey.


According to the Minister, the EU's support to neighbouring countries and new steps towards closer cooperation should be determined by their progress in building democracy, ensuring the rule of law and good governance.


"It is essential to treat all the EU's neighbouring countries equally," stressed the Minister.


He also called for aiming at a close interaction of international organizations in providing assistance for democratization. Lithuania's Chairmanship of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) proposed support of this largest regional organization for the election observation, democratic institutions, media self-regulation mechanisms and the establishment of non-governmental and women's organizations.


During the EU's Foreign Affairs Council in Brussels, at Lithuania's initiative foreign ministers of eight EU member states signed a letter addressed to the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton, EU Trade Commissioner Karel De Gucht, European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighbourhood Policy Stefan Fule and Commissioner for Home Affairs Cecilia Malmstroem. The letter draws their attention to Georgia's progress in implementing the EU recommendations for the preparation for the negotiations on the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement, and for the opening of the visa dialogue. The European Commission is invited to open negotiations with Georgia on the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement before the end of this year, and to launch the visa dialogue with Georgia already in the beginning of 2012. The letter was signed by Foreign Ministers of Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Romania.


Moreover, the FAC meeting discussed the participation of third parties in the Common Security and Defence Policy missions of the European Union.

Azubalis supported the engagement of non-EU countries, because their contribution complemented the EU's capabilities, however, he stressed that the EU had to make decisions on the missions itself.


The minister spoke for greater engagement of partners, especially of Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova, into European crisis management operations. Moreover, the Minister stressed that every time partner involvement had to be considered on a case-by-case basis and should not influence the EU's decisions on its missions and operations, regardless of the partner's size and contribution.


The Foreign Affairs Council adopted conclusions on Afghanistan stressing that the EU's cooperation with this country was a long-term commitment up to and beyond 2014. Moreover, the Council adopted a decision authorising Ashton to negotiate a cooperation agreement with Afghanistan.


Azubalis stressed the need to continue supporting Afghanistan, so that the government of this country would be able to gradually take over the responsibility for the governance and highlighted the role of the European Union Police Mission EUPOL. "It is important to continue the EU Police Mission also beyond 2014," the minister said.


The minister also presented to the participants of the Foreign Affairs Council key events and political objectives of the OSCE Ministerial Council that is due in Vilnius on 6-7 December.


The Foreign Affairs Council also discussed the process of the EU enlargement, the EU's response to the report of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Iran's nuclear programme and the international community's efforts to negotiate with Iran on the future of its nuclear programme.

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