Direct Speech, Economics, EU – Baltic States, Forum, Interview, Latvia

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 20.09.2024, 00:21

Jurgis Liepnieks: Davos Forum snub shows Latvia's lack of influence

Nina Kolyako, BC, Riga, 10.01.2011.Print version
Latvian President Valdis Zatlers' not being invited to attend this year's World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos points to the fact that "our country is still not considered influential and is thought of as one whose vote means nothing in the international arena," commented political analyst Jurgis Liepnieks to LETA.

Jurgis Liepnieks.

"Along with this, one can surmise that Zatlers is not considered (an even somewhat) important figure in the global political arena," Liepnieks added.


Furthermore, the chancery's explanation about Zatlers' supposed agreement with Davos organizers about his participation in the WEF regional forum in Vienna instead, "leads one to believe that the chancery thinks that residents of Latvia are stupid," the analyst pointed out.


The chancery's view that the public will believe that Zatlers himself decided not to attend Davos, and requested a regional event, "not very good PR," he added.


Last week, the president's press secretary, Ilze Rassa, announced that Zatlers will take part in the WEF regional forum in Vienna this June, instead of the WEF in Davos. This has been coordinated with WEF organizers, she said.


WEF Vienna Forum will be held June 8-9, and it will focus on Europe and Central Asia issues.

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