China, Education and Science, Estonia, Legislation

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 30.01.2025, 15:42

Estonian and Chinese Ministers of Education sign agreement for recognition of diplomas

BC, Tallinn, 27.04.2015.Print version
Estonian Education and Science Minister Jürgen Ligi and the Chinese Deputy Minister of Education Li Weihong signed on Monday an agreement on mutual recognition of diplomas, which gives impetus to cooperation between Estonian and Chinese higher education institutions and student exchange, announced LETA the education ministry's press department.

The recognition of diplomas agreement was signed in Riga, at the Asia-Europe Ministers of Education meeting.


Minister Jürgen Ligi said the agreement is an important step for Estonian higher education internationalization and a lack of the agreement has been an obstacle in cooperation between the two states' universities for many years. "Student mobility is a sign of the times, and all countries are making efforts to make it as easy as possible," said Ligi. "Asia has a significant impact on student migration. More than half of the world's foreign students come from there. The Asia-Europe Ministers of Education meeting provides a good opportunity for representatives of both regions' countries to discuss the education sector bottlenecks and offer jointly solutions to them."


86 Chinese students study in Estonian universities now. A total of 2,887 foreign students from 101 countries study in Estonian universities this year, forming 5.2% of the total number of students (55,214), and their number has increased over the last five years, more than three times.

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