Banks, Estonia, Financial Services

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 19.09.2024, 19:22

Raul Malmstein: banks in Estonia are well-capitalised

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 10.06.2010.Print version
The head of the Financial Supervisory Authority Raul Malmstein stated in his annual report to Riigikogu that the banks operating in Estonia are solidly capitalised, writes LETA/Postimees Online.

Raul Malmstein.

“On the basis of our solidity analyses I can state that in our estimation the credit establishments are currently sufficiently capitalised,” said Malmstein when commenting on the report in front of the Parliament on Thursday.


“This is also confirmed by the fact that the State has not had to interfere nor consider strengthening the capital base of any credit institution,” he added.


In autumn 2009, Swedbank provided a major capital fund for its Estonian subsidiary. Swedbank Estonia received a total of 6.2 billion kroons in extra capital. Krediidipank has also increased its equity capital.

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