Energy, Gas, Legislation, Lithuania

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Tuesday, 07.01.2025, 20:01

Lithuanian government approves of amendment to Law on Natural Gas

Petras Vaida, BC, Vilnius, 02.02.2011.Print version
The Government of Lithuania approved of the amendment to the Law on Natural Gas which opens way for the restructuring of the Lithuanian gas supply sector.

Thus the Government is implementing the requirements of the European Commission's third energy package and the recommendation under which unbundling of ownership is the best model of demonopolization and creation of a competitive gas market, reports LETA/ELTA.


On January 31, Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius met with President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso and Commissioner for Energy Giunter Oetinger. Jose Manuel Barroso once again expressed support for the gas sector restructuring model chosen by Lithuania that separates the activities of gas pipeline management and gas supply.


The draft law provides for a regulatory purpose – to create a competitive, market-based and reliable natural gas market where consumers can buy gas at the lowest reasonable cost.


In turn, the European Commission also notes that the full unbundling of ownership is the most effective way to ensure choice and encourage investment, because by adopting investment decisions, separate network companies are not influenced by almost overlapping interests of supply and (or) manufacturing sectors.

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