Baltic States – CIS, Energy, Lithuania, Nuclear power plant

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Tuesday, 22.10.2024, 03:43

Kaliningrad may hold referendum on its NPP

Petras Vaida, BC, Vilnius, 01.08.2011.Print version
Kaliningrad civic organisations, environmental movements and oppositional political parties have formed a wide coalition which actively seeks for referendum on the construction of the new nuclear power plant (NPP) in Kaliningrad.

Guests from the Kaliningrad region will present the problems of the ongoing construction of the NPP, located only 10 kilometres from Lithuania's border, in the Seimas European Information Office news conference Monday.


The activists are wondering why their worries do not interest Lithuania's civic society because in an emergency case, a great part of Lithuania would fall in the zone of evacuation. The activists make no secret of the fact that the Russian authorities stifle their initiative by strict administrative methods, writes LETA/ELTA.


Nevertheless, they managed to register an initiative group on referendum and have started collecting signatures. As reported, the Belarusian NPP is being built 40 kilometres from Vilnius, while the plant in Kaliningrad is located 60 kilometres from Lithuanian towns Taurage and Jurbarkas.

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