Budget, Estonia, Financial Services, Taxation

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 26.12.2024, 22:42

Estonia to collect more than 100% of planned taxes in 2010

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 30.12.2010.Print version
As of December 26, the Estonian state budget had collected over 1.6 billion kroons more tax income than planned for the year 2010, Äripäev.ee/LETA cites Tax and Customs Board.

The state budget tax income amounted to 63.4 billion kroons as of December 26 while the budget plan was 61.8 billion kroons.


Social tax income amounted by then to 26.5 bln kroons or 98.2% of the budget plan.


Private individuals income tax collection amounted to 3.1 bln kroons, 96.8% of the plan, corporate income tax collected amounted to 3 bln kroons, 125% of the plan.


VAT collection was at 19.6 bln kroons, 103% of the plan and excise taxes at 10.4 bln, 109% of the plan.

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