Estonia, Financial Services, Investments

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 19.10.2024, 21:33

Tallinn will hold a 13.8 mln EUR bond issue

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 22.08.2011.Print version
The city of Tallinn is expecting bids from banks by the end of August to hold a 13.8 million EUR bond issue, LETA/Eesti Päevaleht writes.

The city’s treasury head Silver Tamm said that the city has asked for bids from SEB, Sampo, Nordea and DnB Nord banks. Tams said that the city will use a part of proceeds from the bond issue to refinance earlier obligations.


According to last year’s annual report, the city has ten valid loans or bond issues. The residual of the obligations was at the end of last year 174 million EUR. Last year Tallinn also issued 13.8 million EUR of bonds; then Nordea bank lent money to the city for 10 years.

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