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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 05.09.2024, 07:14

Lithuanian Stumbras develops strong "999" bitters expansion strategy overseas

Danuta Pavilenene, BC, Vilnius, 10.12.2010.Print version
Stumbras, the largest producer and exporter of strong alcoholic beverages in Lithuania, has invested 4.8 million litas into the renewal of its bitters branded "999", Stumbras reports to NASDAQ OMX Vilnius.

Investments of such scale are related to the export development strategy – the company aims to position the drink "999" among the most popular bitters in the world as well as contribute to the positive image of Lithuania, writes LETA/ELTA.


Despite of continuously difficult economic situation in the country, Stumbras is making necessary investments in order to move the leading position of the brand from Lithuania to international markets in the long run.


"We have a few reasons to strengthen our exports. First of all, the market leaders are always expected to behave this way. We believe that stressing Lithuania's name in our export strategies will strengthen our positions and break the ice for other Lithuanian producers. On the other hand, the constant change of legislation in our country and uncontrollable amounts of smuggling make export a necessity to retain high positions in the market and stable growth", said Algirdas Ciburys, the marketing director at Stumbras.


Given Company's strong leadership and experience in the local market and strong prospects for "999" in international markets, Stumbras is allocating large investments to its export strategy. The leadership in international markets will be pursued with totally new packaging that reflects the taste and values of the drink.


The company has a specific leadership goal – to enter the TOP 10 of the world's most popular bitters and to contribute to the favorable image of Lithuania.


"We are sure that the legend and Lithuanian origin of "999" is the pride of our country and that is why we are striving for these products to represent Lithuania in international markets", says representative of Stumbras.


In order to develop an internationally competitive product – a Lithuanian beverage that would compete with most popular bitters – Stumbras entrusted "999" packaging design to internationally known British agency Claessens International. The agency is specializing in alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages industry for 25 years. Agency's clients are worldwide famous brands.


Stumbras started manufacturing "999" bitter in the first half of the 20th century.


The bitter is awarded with eight international prizes that include the status of culinary heritage. "The Green Nines" has won Lithuanian advertising festival "Password 2007" award for best market entry campaign. The "junior" of the "999's" family, "The Red Nines", was acknowledged as the most successful new product in the Lithuanian market of fast consumer goods.


825,000 liters of bitter "999" were sold in three quarters this year.


"The Nines", "The Green Nines" and "The Red Nines" are exported to Latvia, Estonia, Israel, Poland, USA and other countries.

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