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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Tuesday, 18.03.2025, 12:55

Tallinna Kaubamaja to increase share capital of retail chain Selver Latvia

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 23.12.2010.Print version
A subsidiary of Estonian retail enterprise Tallinna Kaubamaja – A-Selver plans to increase share capital of Latvia-based subsidiary Selver Latvia, Tallinna Kaubamaja reports to NASDAQ OMX Tallinn.

By capitalizing the borrowing of the parent company, the share capital of SIA Selver Latvia will be increased as a non-monetary contribution equivalent to EEK 220.6 million (LVL ten million) whereby the share capital will increase by one share, i.e. EEK 2,206 Estonian kroons (LVL 100) and share premium by 220,555.8 thousand Estonian kroons (LVL 9.999 million)., informs LETA.


The share capital increase is essential to ensure sustainability of activities of the company. The decision to increase the share capital will enter into force upon entering the information into the Commercial Register.

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