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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 18.10.2024, 08:11

German foreign investors prefer Estonia among Eastern European countries

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 29.06.2011.Print version
In the list of the most attractive CEE countries as destination for investments for German enterprises, Estonia improved its ranking by three positions in 2011, writes LETA/Äripä

Estonia and Poland are the countries that would be preferred as the destination of German investments, appeared from a market research carried out by the Chamber of Foreign Trade of Germany.


The survey that included 943 German enterprises operating in 16 Central and Eastern European countries, concluded that while the economic situation in Europe has stabilised, German businesses feel that the growth in the CEE region is still moderate. Nearly one in two enterprises finds that the current macroeconomic situation is bad while one in seven estimates that the situation is good.


Positive responses were in the majority in only four countries – Poland, Estonia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.


In the context of the entire region, 38% of German enterprise expect the economic situation to improve in the CEE region this year. The economic growth projections are particularly positive in the three Baltic States as well as in Poland, Slovakia and in Hungary.


Most German investors stated that they would again choose the same country as the destination for their investment. 76% of respondents sated that they would repeat their investments in the current circumstances. Enterprises in Estonia and in Poland are the most satisfied with the situation in the destination country. Estonia received the best score in 13 out of 24 categories in which the destination countries were graded – including for its taxation system, accounting regulations and political stability.

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