Energy, EU – Baltic States, Legislation, Lithuania

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 22.09.2024, 17:17

Lithuanian government approves of energy independence strategy

Petras Vaida, BC, Vilnius, 08.10.2010.Print version
Developments in the energy sector, the closure of the Ignalina nuclear power plant, increased dependency on the constantly rising prices of natural gas: all these factors have led to the need to update the National Energy Strategy. The Government of Lithuania has approved the National Energy Strategy, which is known as Lithuania's energy independence strategy, drawn up by the Ministry of Energy.

It aims at the following three targets.

First: energy independence from currently dominant single source. The achievement of this target by 2020 will provide Lithuania with alternative means of supply of energy resources, adequate and efficient energy production capacities, operating transparent market and competitive prices for consumers.

Second: Lithuania's competitiveness. 3-4 billion litas currently spent on imports of energy resources will remain in Lithuania and strengthen our state's economy and raise competitiveness. Investment in the energy sector will create five to six thousand new jobs and encourage the growth of construction and services businesses. The implementation of energy efficiency measures provided for in the strategy will bring down the annual household heating costs by 500 litas.

Third: sustainable development. With a view to encouraging use of renewable energy resources, Lithuania is going eventually to completely abandon fossil fuels with greenhouse effect, as well as to increase energy efficiency, which is now 2.5 times lower than in the rest of the EU.

All the three targets of the energy independence are aimed at ensuring long-term interests of energy consumers. These targets will be achieved through the implementation of the strategic plans regarding the Visaginas nuclear power plant, LNG terminal, gas and electricity interconnection projects and the transposition of the provisions of the EU Energy Package III, and other EU legislation into national law.

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