Education and Science, EU – Baltic States, Financial Services, Legislation, Lithuania

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 22.09.2024, 17:38

Lithuanian Professor: changes in Constitution are not necessary to sign EU fiscal discipline pact

Petras Vaida, BC, Vilnius, 27.02.2012.Print version
Lithuania does not have to change its Constitution in order to be able to sign the EU members' fiscal discipline pact next week, Egidijus Kuris, Professor of the Vilnius University, Faculty of Law said.

Egidijus Kuris.

Simply, amendments to the Constitution should be made and after signing the pact, the Constitutional Court should be applied to, writes LETA/ELTA.


The constitutional law expert expressed such a position on Friday while commenting on the compatibility of new fiscal discipline pact and the Constitution during the discussion held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.


"If we incorporate something into the constitutional system, then amendments to the Constitution are necessary. What is called the Constitutional Laws in Lithuania, such as the law on foreigners purchasing land, is a Lithuanian misunderstanding and very unsuccessful title in the Constitution. It would not be considered as changing the Constitution if this way was chosen. I think, amendments to the Constitution are necessary," Kuris said.


On January 30, heads of the EU member-states met in Brussels to sign a fiscal pact to reinforce budget discipline in order to restore market confidence in the eurozone. The United Kingdom had earlier refused to sign the treaty, and has since been joined by the Czech Republic.

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