Estonia, Financial Services, Markets and Companies, Taxation

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 23.10.2024, 02:27

Seppik: cheapest option for Estonia would be to compensate entrepreneurs’ damages from sudden VAT surge

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 28.07.2009.Print version
Deputy chairman of the Centre Party fraction in Estonia Ain Seppik stated that the State should pay entrepreneurs compensation for the costs they had to bear due to the excessively short advance notice on implementing the changes in the VAT rate, writes Postimees Online/LETA.

Ain Seppik.

“The essence is, after all, that entrepreneurs were not granted enough time to technically administer the tax rate surge,” explained Seppik. He noted that there is the option of the State paying certain compensation for instance, for overtime that had to be put into work due to the rush.


“The elaboration of the compensatory mechanism for entrepreneurs to get reimbursement for tasks that the State imposed on them unexpectedly and with an unjustified short advance notice should not be too expensive,” found the opposition MP.


“First, however, Riigikogu will have to discuss whether to adopt the law again as is or to change it,” said Seppik. He remarked that if Riigikogu will not change the law, the next move will be up to the Chancellor of Justice who will have to decide whether to take the dispute to the Supreme Court. Seppik also stated that the longer the dispute will last, the more expensive will be the decisions in the end.

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