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International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 30.03.2025, 17:16

Latvia has export potential to Chinese and Japanese markets

Nina Kolyako, BC, Riga, 03.12.2009.Print version
Latvia has export potential to Chinese and Japanese markets, as Latvian ambassadors informed during a round-table discussion with local entrepreneurs yesterday, organized by the Foreign Ministry.

Foreign Ministry of Latvia.

This was the seventh such round-table meeting organized by the Foreign Ministry. This time, entrepreneurs were able to get acquainted with the Latvian Ambassador to Japan Peteris Vaivars and the Latvian Ambassador to China Ingrida Levrence, LETA was informed by the Foreign Ministry's press center.


The discussion was opened by the Latvian Employers' Confederation President Vitalijs Gavrilovs. During the event, Latvian business representatives were able to get acquainted with the ambassadors and ask them questions.


During the discussion, Vaivars pointed out that the Japanese market has very high standards, that this market is still the second largest in the world, and it has resumed growth. Perspective business niches for Latvian entrepreneurs are unique, specific and high quality products, for example, pharmaceuticals and information technology.


Levrence, on the other hand, emphasized that the Chinese economy has been able to avoid the global economic crisis, and that it sees Europe as an important cooperation partner. The ambassador also pointed out that there is much export potential in this country.


Both Vaivars and Levrence invited the business representatives to work and find new export markets, especially taking into account the expertise of the embassies in this area.


On December 10, the eighth such round-table discussion will take place, in which Latvian entrepreneurs will be able to meet the Latvian ambassadors to Egypt, Turkey and Israel.


The series of round-table discussions organized by the Foreign Affairs Ministry "Foreign service for Latvia's exports. Entrepreneurs meet ambassadors" aim to find solutions to boost exports from Latvia and expand operations of Latvian businesses abroad with support from Latvia's diplomatic service.


Altogether ten round-table discussion will be held by December 18, with each event focusing on business opportunities in specific regions. The first round-table discussions were concentrated on opportunities to develop exports to Germany, France and the United Kingdom.

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