Estonia, Markets and Companies, Water

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 05.09.2024, 06:10

Drinking water in Tallinn complies with standards, despite accident

Juhan Tere, BC, Tallinn, 19.03.2010.Print version
Ülemiste järv where the Polish cargo plane made an emergency landing on Thursday morning is also a source of drinking water for residents of Tallinn, writes LETA/Postimees Online.

AS Tallinna Vesi stated that as of Friday morning, the drinking water directed to the public water supply system complies with all quality standards and there are no signs of deterioration of the quality in the untreated water analysis, nor are there any indications of oil compounds.


Tallinna Vesi continues production of water in the Ülemiste water purification plant in the normal course and residents of Tallinn are not at risk of any problems in the pure drinking water supply.


The Rescue Board found that the threat of pollution on the site of the accident is minimal as less than one tonne of aircraft fuel has come into contact with the environment. Part of the fuel evaporated rather quickly whereas part was collected in the absorbent beams and some mixed with snow.

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