Alcohol, Latvia, Markets and Companies

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Tuesday, 11.02.2025, 13:29

Cesu alus increased beer sales by 25% in June; breaks records

Nina Kolyako, BC, Riga, 06.07.2010.Print version
In June 2010, the Cesu alus Brewery sold 25% more beer than in June 2009, reaching its all-time record numbers, the company reported to

Cesu alus CEO Eva Sietinsone-Zatlere also pointed out that in the first half of the year the brewery's beer retail was up 14% in Latvia, writes LETA.


Stable growth is seen in the bottled beer segment, with 20% more sold than in June 2009. As for canned beer, 12% more were sold.


Sietinsone-Zatlere accented that the company's most popular brand is "Cesu Premium", and demand continues to grow, both for bottles and cans. The brand was particularly popular during the recent Midsummer "Ligo!" holiday, also facilitated by the handy eight-pack, six-pack and jumbo packaging – perfect for picnics.


Surprisingly good results were posted for the brewery's beer in the "HoReCa" sector post-holiday week, i.e. 50% more retailed than during the holiday week. This can be explained by the favorable weather conditions and the start of summer vacation for many, as well as the product's presence at various outdoor mass events, Sietinsone-Zatlere explained.

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