Lithuania, Markets and Companies, Real Estate, Retail

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 16.09.2024, 07:32

Malls to be built in Kaunas district

Danuta Pavilenene, BC, Vilnius, 02.11.2010.Print version
Large trading centers could be constructed in Kaunas district in the nearest future, Kauno Diena is quoted by

However, at the very center of the city only small shops will be allowed to operate.


Such idea of trade centers development seems effective not to all parties involved in this sector of economic activities, writes LETA/ELTA.


"Currently documents on territorial planning are changing, at the same times needs and demands are variable. Therefore, plans are exposed to changes, too," Nerijus Stanenis, the architect at Miesto Planas and the author of Kaunas trade space development plan.


In Vilnius, on the contrary, lately large malls were welcomed in the heart of the city. As a result, small retail points were forced to leave the market due to excessive competition.


According to data of Miesto Planas, Kaunas currently posses 270 square meters of the trade floor, or 21% of all trade space in Lithuania. In Vilnius the share of total trade floor makes up 44%, and in Kalipeda – 18%.

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