Baltic Export, Foodstuff, Forum, Latvia, Lithuania, Markets and Companies

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 05.01.2025, 00:21

Latvian food producers have not yet exhausted Lithuanian market possibilities

Danuta Pavilenene, BC, Vilnius, 18.05.2011.Print version
On 16 May, during the round table discussion "Opportunities on Lithuanian Food Market" at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Latvian Ambassador to Lithuania Martins Virsis emphasised that Latvian food products are recognised on the Lithuanian market for their high quality, nevertheless they need to compete with the lower prices of producers from other states and with consumer loyalty to local producers, ISRIA reports.

At the discussion "Opportunities on Lithuanian Food Market". Riga, 16.05.2011. Photo:

When characterising food product distribution in Lithuania, the Board Member of the Lithuanian Marketing Association, UAB Import line General Manager Linas Stankevicius, specified particular aspects of the establishment of co-operation. The businessman provided advices for the choice of co-operation partners and marketing methods on the basis of the experience of his clients, Latvian food producers, informs LETA/ELTA.


When describing the differences in mentality present on the Lithuanian market, the Head of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce Office in Lithuania, Board Member Jelena Markune, stressed loyalty to local producers and pragmatic attitude towards the price.


The experience and accomplishments of Latvian businessmen on the Lithuanian market are reflected by the Namejs Award 2011, the main nomination of which this year is the "Most Popular Latvian Product in Lithuania". The Chairman of the Board of the Latvian Chamber of Commerce in Lithuania, Gundars Andzans, accentuated the opportunities of Latvian food producers to reach considerably higher results on the Lithuanian market than before and urged the producers to use the possibilities of the Namejs Award 2011 for the promotion of their products.


Latvian sector of food industry has proved itself as one of the driving forces of economic recovery and export growth presenting an export increase amounting to 23%. The main export market for Latvian food industry is Lithuania, where in 2010, the export of the sector reached 182.8 million lats.


This was the fifth round-table discussion in this year's series "Foreign Service for Latvia's Exports. Entrepreneurs meet Latvian Ambassadors", where businessmen have the opportunity to build direct contacts with ambassadors abroad and to get regular access to the information which Latvian ambassadors have collected and processed. This allows the information to be widely used in promoting economic growth.


The next round-table panel discussion "Exports to Brazil: New Opportunities for Latvian Businessmen" is to take place on 24 May. Latvian Honorary Consul to Brazil Liga Brige will acquaint the participants with the most characteristic features of the Brazilian market, as well as the export possibilities in such prospective sectors as transport and logistics, pharmaceutics, automotive industry and metalworking, ICT, food processing and tourism. Latvian businessmen already present on the Brazilian market will share the experience they have acquired this far.


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