Baltic, Estonia, Forum, Markets and Companies, Mergers and take-overs, USA

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 16.03.2025, 13:44

Live Nation Entertainment buys majority stake in Estonian BDG Music

BC, Tallinn, 19.06.2013.Print version
American entertainment concern Live Nation Entertainment acquired the majority stake in the Baltic states' largest concert organiser BDG Music Group OÜ, LETA/Äripä reports.

BDG Music belonged to BDG Holdings OÜ, the major owners of which were with equal 45.13% stakes brothers Peeter and Priit Rebane. The turnover of BDG Music was last year 3.8 mln euros, growing by a half in a year. The profit was 645,000 euros, three times more than in the previous year.


The company continues, after the transaction, with its current management but will be called Live Nation Baltics. The details of the transaction, including the purchase price, was not revealed.


"After the transaction, we now operate in 43 states," said Live Nation Entertainment president and CEO Michael Rapino.


Live Nation Entertainment is the world's leading entertainment and e-commerce company which includes four branches,, Live Nation Concerts, Front Line Management Group and Live Nation Network.

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