Construction, Estonia, Financial Services, Legislation, Real Estate

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 17.03.2025, 13:17

Tallinn Linnahall reconstruction project to cost EUR 250,000

BC, Tallinn, 06.05.2016.Print version
The Tallinn city government has allocated 250,000 euros in the city's first supplementary budget for 2016 to draw up the project for the reconstruction of the Linnahall arena, a now disused venue for cultural and sports events completed in time for the 1980 Moscow Olympics, informs LETA/BNS.

The draft of the extra budget has been forwarded to the council.


On Thursday, the council of Tallinn endorsed the plan of reconstruction under which the complex must be ready for reopening by spring 2019.


The manager of the facility, Tallinna Linnahalli AS, has held a public procurement tender to find the company to carry out an audit of the existing structure. On February 4, a contract was signed with the winner of the tender, OU A. Partsi Insenerburoo.


Under the agreement, the auditor must conduct an audit of the structures of Linnahall and the materials used in its construction, assess their conformity with valid requirements, establish the extent of damage and its causes, and make proposals as to eliminating the shortfalls. The audit must be ready by June 3.


The city government ordered on March 23 to start the procedure of drawing up the detailed plan for the 11.5-hectare area surrounding Linnahall. A public procurement tender to award the contract for the detailed plan is under way and the contract is expected to be signed later this month.

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