Construction, Culture, Latvia, Lithuania, Real Estate

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 19.09.2024, 19:17

Lithuanian architects win design competition for reconstruction of National Museum of Art in Riga

Nina Kolyako, BC, Riga, 23.09.2010.Print version
The competition for the redesigning of the Latvian National Museum of Art has been won by a project developed by the Lithuanian architecture firm Process Office. Talks will now take place over the development of a technical project for the museum's reconstruction.

The winning design was developed by the architects Vytautas Bieksa, Andrius Skiezgelas, Marius Kanevicius, Rokas Kilciauskas, and Jezi Stankevic, who received a prize of LVL 10,000, informs LETA.


The plan foresees significant changes to the building's design only in the roof area, with the addition of a loft and a redesign of the roof to allow people to walk outside and enjoy a panorama of the surrounding area. A glass-roofed basement will also be added at the rear of the museum.


The reconstruction of the building, which was originally constructed from 1903 to 1905, could cost from LVL 5-13 million.

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