Round Table

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 28.03.2025, 02:19

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Relationship between the housing development services market and the mortgage lending system in Latvia

Relationship between the housing development services market and the mortgage lending system in Latvia


In a modern welfare state, regardless of its model, the mortgage institute is significant. It is an economic instrument that facilitates implementation of various social projects.

Keyword tags: Banks, Financial Services, Real Estate, Round Table

Modern city: sustainability vs. “mega-projects” in Latvian development

Modern city: sustainability vs. “mega-projects” in Latvian development


Managing urban areas has been always one of the most important development challenges for city planners. During last decades, cities have been developed in a strictly “human & sustainable” way: everything for city’s dwellers! However, nowadays it’s easy to evaluate the “optimal city” –its development has to be in line with the sustainability concept adopted by the UN and in effect from January 2016.

800 million euro to be invested in Skanste – the modern center of Riga

800 million euro to be invested in Skanste – the modern center of Riga


The plan for the future of Skanste neighborhood entails developing this area into the modern center of Riga as defined in Riga City development documents and contained in our, i.e., Skanste Development Agency, vision.

Spring 2016 European Semester package: country-specific recommendations

Spring 2016 European Semester package: country-specific recommendations


Commission proposed (18 May) its 2016 country-specific recommendations (CSRs), setting out economic policy guidance for all EU states for the next 12-18 months. In addition to efforts already identified in EU-2020 strategy, this economic guidance instrument focuses on priority reforms to strengthen the recovery of EU-28 economies by boosting investment, implementing structural reforms and pursuing fiscal responsibility.

EU banks, supervisors and regulators: tasks for 2016

EU banks, supervisors and regulators: tasks for 2016


The rules for the EU single market and the work of the banking authority (EBA) in the last five years strengthened the regulation and supervision of European banking sector. Radical overhaul of EU's regulatory and supervisory framework for banks (with about forty separate pieces of legislation) played an important role in making EU’s financial system more secure.


At the focus of attention: demanded 20 mln euros

Rietumu Bank's President Alexander Pankov interview for Dienas Bizness (DB) about the "Panama documents" and related issues.


Putra: Latvian financial sector should work like a Swiss clock

Parliamentary Secretary, Ministry Edgar Putra thinks that the bank or the financial services industry Latvian should evolve in quality, rather than quantity direction, so that Latvia, like Switzerland, after some time be able to say that our banks work as precisely as a Swiss clock. Politician points to the important role of banks in economic growth, while developping loans.


Approaches to media sector in Europe: Commission’s coordinating efforts

The article underlines the Commission efforts towards media sector plays a key economic, social and cultural role in the EU. Generally, Europe has a strong media industry, which creates growth and jobs and presents European life, history, culture and values around the world. The media landscape is following a transformation, characterized by a steady increase of convergence of media services, with a visible move towards intertwining traditional broadcast and internet. The EU institutions cannot do much about regulating the media sector in the member states as these “regulations”, according to the Lisbon Treaty, are of supplementing and coordinating character.


The future of mass media: popularity monetization in social networks?

Recently I have participated in the international roundtable seminar "Modern trends in the media market", organized by the Baltic International Academy and online magazine Besides the fact that I was very interested to hear the opinion of journalists and publishers on this topic, I thought about what the future of the media would be in terms of corporate communications. In this context, I want to mention two surveys of communication professionals that I conducted four years ago and at the beginning of this year.


Pension issues in the social EU policies: cross-sectoral approach

Pension issues in the EU member states are regulated by the so-called supplementary division of competences and are subject to different means from numerous policies. Several Commissioners are responsible for integration process concerning persons under retirement age, i.e. mostly those on pensions. At the same time, these issues are, generally, within the member states competence. Hence, most of them need both political and socio-economic solution.


The case for labour market deregulation in Europe

There is strong evidence that countries with more flexible and open labor markets and free economies are better equipped to seize opportunities presented by globalization. Can this global economic crisis become a turning point for Europe’s economic policies?


Labour Market Development & Regulations: the EU’s approach

Issues of job and labour have been always at the forefront of the Union’s development from the start of the integration process. Hence, free movement of workers and freedom of establishment have been an integral part of the EU’s agenda and single market. Optimal labour structures and relationship are becoming even more important in the aftermath of the present economic crisis. This is why the Union’s employment policy has become a decisive part of the EU-2020 development strategy.


Features of ethnic identity and social adaptation of the Latvians working in England and Ireland

At present, in connection with economic problems, the stream of the Latvians leaving both for earnings and permanent residence to England and Ireland has increased. The issues connected with processes of social adaptation of Latvian emigrants and preservation of their ethnic identity remain poorly understood. Research objective is studying of ethnic identity and social adaptation of Latvian emigrants living in different cultural environments.


What do the social media users expect from companies

As communication specialists we are used to constantly ask ourselves of what does the audience expect from us, what message would address them, what action would they enjoy, what images would attract their attention… Perhaps, this research could help us a little bit in the process. In the research, 624 Latvian social media users have expressed their opinion about their expectations from companies, organizations or brands in social media environment.


Baltic IT services sector grew by around 2% in 2010

Prime Investment, one of the leading investment banking companies in the Baltics, has issued semi annual report Baltic ICT Market News. The report highlights important corporate and M&A events of the Baltic ICT market and provides proprietary ratings of the leading Baltic IT service companies. Baltic IT sector grew by 1.6% during 2010, and 12 out of 20 rated companies experienced growth in revenues from IT services.

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