Interview, Latvia, Tourism

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 06.03.2025, 04:11

Make the world brighter!

Angela Rzhishcheva, 27.10.2009.Print version
In fact, that beauty will save the world today no doubt. But one thing to say, another – to arrange a parade of blondes – Go Blonde. And, gathered under the flags of their fair-haired ladies who organize the Association, whose main task – charity and attract tourists to Latvia. About Go Blonde says successful businesswoman, president of the Latvian Association of blondes Marika Gederts.

– Last year I participated in the parade blondes in Sofia, the capital of Bulgaria. I realized that we, in Latvia, there is great potential. This is how the Latvian Association of blondes (Latvian Association of Blondes LAB).


In March of this year, Latvia became a member of the International Association of blondes (IAB), which has applied to UNESCO, to May 31 was declared an official day of blondes. To support the initiative of friends, May 31 we conducted a 1-st in Latvia Parade Blondes – Go Blonde. In organizing the parade very much helped me chairman of the IAB Olga Uskova.


In my opinion, the event was successful. Although there is something to work with in terms of themes, and evaluation in the media were different. But we noticed, and it is – the main thing. There have been many publications in the press, and, not only in Latvia but also in international. Despite the fact that already passed the half-year, interest in Go Blonde continues. 23 September this year in Germany, at 1-st channel, released a documentary film on global crisis in the world. The plot, four stories, one of which is devoted to Latvian Go Blonde. In the political journal The Globe published a long interview on the LAB. Recently, we asked the Brazilian magazine on tourism, which is preparing an article on the LAB. We have received many letters and proposals from different countries, including those from travel agencies.

– However the public attitude towards blondes is ambiguous. What is the basic idea LAB?


– LAB unites girls and ladies who know how to live, in spite of crisis, and the positives are ready to share with others. This does not mean that in everyday life, we prefer only white and pink hues. But even in the gray or black business suit, feel themselves a little better, but because the case we obtained easier. By the way, according to statistics, most of all Nobel Prizes awarded to residents of Norway, where, as we know, live blond people.


In Latvia, 7 shades blondes – from platinum to the "gray mouse. We joke – they say, when we grow roots, we become smarter. But seriously, despite all the jokes, which go to the people of the blondes, in fact, we are not stupid, and clever, and even super positive. Those positive emotions are designed to save everyone in time of crisis, dispel depression.


There are a number of privileges for members of the LAB – payment card, pink color, which makes it possible to get discounts in various shops and beauty salons. Agency casting for owners of hair. It creates a unique database, which can then be used in various commercials.
It should be emphasized, based target LAB – charity. The second problem – the international project of tourism.

– Tell me more about the projects LAB.


– Thanks to the support and donations from people from all over the world, we are approaching the main goal – the equipment in the park Kronvalda public children's playground for children with disabilities, an area of 110 m2. It differs from the usual costly coating of rubber, as well as special shells, taking into account sernam guys. Already received permission from the municipality of Riga, is collecting funds. Participate in good case can anyone call tel. 90006480 (call charges 1 Ls). Alternatively, donations and transfer to a bank account (details on the official site LAB on the Internet –


The second charity project – Camp Princess, which we organized in September of this year in the castle Diklah that in the Valmiera region. It provides for a loving, strong, patient mothers who bring up kids with disabilities. Three days of rest, helpful lectures, team games, beauty treatments and a lot of love to give women the strength, confidence, a moment of happiness and faith in the good. This year, the opportunity was provided to 40 women (their chosen through tender letters, in cooperation with the magazine, "Martha", in Latvian and Russian languages). In the future, the camp will run annually in August. The selection of the candidates will also be carried out through the media.


On the last day of May, will hold festival blondes, with diverse activities, cultural program. Take part in the event will anyone. A separate focus is on tourists, which in addition to participating in the festival, will offer an exclusive tour of the Baltic. Already book places for guests in leading hotels in Latvia.


We invite you to cooperate Latvian producers who can offer interesting gifts in pink and white. 1 euro from the sales will be directed to charity.

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