Analytics, Latvia, Tourism, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Thursday, 19.09.2024, 19:23

Number of recreational trips with overnight stays decreased by 34% in Latvia in Q4

Edīte Miezīte, Statistics Latvia, 08.04.2010.Print version
The survey on the domestic trips of Latvian population conducted by the Central Statistical Bureau* show that in the 4th quarter of 2009 there were 516.1 thsd recreational trips with overnight stays and 2117.1 thsd same-day recreational trips.

The number of recreational trips with overnight stays has decreased by 34%, compared to the 4th quarter of 2008. Reasons which prevented Latvian population from trips were financial conditions (57%), lack of time (13%), lack of interest (9%). Other reasons were mentioned by 21% respondents.


Most popular destination of recreational trips with overnight stays was Riga region – 31.9% of all recreational trips with overnight stays. 22.4% of all recreational trips with overnight stays were made to Vidzeme, 19.2% – to Zemgale, 14.2% – to Kurzeme and 12.3% – to Latgale.


The average length of recreational trips with overnight stays was 2.0 visitor nights, of which the average length of the long trips (4 and more nights) was 8.6 visitor nights.

11% of population preferred recreational trips with overnight stays, and during single trip one traveller on average spent LVL 17.9, and it is LVL 4.5 less than in the 4th quarter of 2008.


Recreational trips with overnight stays were mostly preferred by women (51.3%). The majority of travellers (42.8%) were aged 25-44 years.


In its turn the number of business trips with overnight stays was 45.1 thsd which is less by 39% than in the same period of 2008. 7.2 thsd residents went on such trips. During this trip one traveller on average spent LVL 25.1. Men constituted the majority of business travellers – 60%. Cars were the most often used transport vehicle for recreational and business trips.

Mode of transport used in trips around Latvia (in %)


Recreational trips with overnight stays

Business trips with overnight stays

















*In accordance with the requirements of European Parliament and Council Directive 95/57/EC of December 19, 2001 Central Statistical Bureau carried out a survey on domestictrips. Starting with 2009 due to the changes in methodology recreational trips with overnight stays made within own administrative territory and outside it are counted (prior only those made outside of the administrative territory were counted).

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