Latvia, Tourism, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 05.10.2024, 07:20

Pulling Mona Lisa off sandbank could cost around EUR 1 million

Alla Petrova, BC, Riga, 07.05.2008.Print version
Pulling the stranded cruise ship Mona Lisa off the sandbank could cost around EUR 1 million (LVL 704,300), as was informed yesterday.

Latvian Maritime Administration's Senior Inspecting Officer Stanislavs Cakss explained in the Latvian State Television program Panorama, that, according to the investigation carried out by the Maritime Administration, the ship's chief mate caused the accident by giving a wrong command to the helmsman.


Cakss, who was aboard the ship himself, denied the information given by the Defense Minister Vinets Veldre (People's Party) that the chief mate has been detained. He has been suspended from the duty and can be found in his cabin, Cakss said.


As reported LETA, a representative from ship's charter company Lord Nelson Seereisen previously pointed out that Mona Lisa ran aground due to errors by the crew. Lord Nelson Seereisen said that the ship has not suffered any serious damage and on Saturday, May 10 is expected to return to Germany.


This morning Prime Minister Ivars Godmanis (Latvia's First Party/ Latvia's Way) said in an interview in the Latvijas Neatkariga televizija television's program "900 sekundes" that the ship Mona Lisa will not be permitted to leave before it compensates Latvia for the ship's rescue work in Irbe Strait.


"The ship is not going to sail away before the liabilities are settled," government leader said.


Godmanis said he had information that the ship's fuel was pumped from the lower tanks to higher-located ones. It was done with an aim to prevent a fuel leak in the sea in case if the sip would have suffered damage.


However, there is no guarantee yet that an ecological catastrophe will not take place by Latvia's coasts, Godmanis reckons.


There is also a possibility that a storm may begin, in which case the ship crew of more than 300 people will also have to be evacuated from the ship. It is not clear why the captain has ordered all the crew to stay on board, since there are no passengers on the ship, Godmanis said.


He pointed out that the cruise liner ran aground in an abnormal place – between the lighthouse and the shore.


All of the approximately 600 passengers were evacuated and have already left Latvia.

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