EU – Baltic States, Lithuania, Press-release, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Saturday, 01.02.2025, 12:44

Western Shipyard celebrates the ship WINDLIFT1 name in Lithuania – giving ceremony

Danuta Pavilenene, , BC, Vilnius/ Klaipeda, 25.06.2009.Print version
Today, on the 25th of June, Western Shipyard (VLG) celebrates the ship WINDLIFT1 name – giving ceremony. A unique vessel for heavy and oversized cargo transportation and elevation, built under the contract, signed with the German company Bard Engineering GmbH in May 2007. This is the largest project during the entire lifetime of the company, reported BC press-service of the VLG group.

The project is unique in all proportions – in operational techniques and technological parameters. More than 6000 tons of steel have been used on the ship, the first time not only in Lithuania but also in Europe, desiged for the construction and maintenance of the offshore wind farm. The ship will serve at mounting and installation of 80 BARD turbines, i.e. 400 megawatt power wind farm, far-offshore for about 100 km from the mainland, covering the  area of 860 square kilometers.


This complex and very specific 101.8 m. length and 36 m. width ship construction project realization called for a number of highly skilled professionals, new knowledge, complex technological solutions and expertise to manage such volume of the project. Over 600 employees from various European countries, including the staff from Germany, Holland, Estonia, Ukraine and elsewhere participated in the construction of the ship WINDLIFT1. Together with the VLG group of companies, more than 30 subcontractors companies were employed in this project.


„WINDLIFT1 – one of the most interesting and the most complex ship construction projects through the BLRT Grupp Concern history. Many technological solutions have not been previously realized, but due to the cooperation of the entire group of companies we did it. I think that the gained priceless experience is our greatest achievement. J-SC Western Shipyard team, which has coped with the great set task, is worth high praises,“ – said Fyodor Berman, BLRT Group Board Chairman.


According to J-SC Western Shipyard General director Arnoldas Šileika, we can be proud of our shipbuilding company, which established its credentials for such challenges and projects. „The construction of the unique, technologically sophisticated, special-purpose ship WINDLIFT1 – a major and a serious challenge for Western Shipyard. This large-scale project culminated in the 10-year activity and experience within the shipbuilding segment,“ – said A. Šileika. „This scope project will make not only the company, but all the Lithuanian shipbuilding history.“


Each phase of the construction was a real challenge, because this was one of the first such type ships in the European shipbuilding history. The most complex works began in February, this year, when two 2300 tons weight each WINDLIFT1 hull part intergration operation took place on the water. Ship hulls were assembled on the water and underwater within the company's waterways at the quay by a specially prepared technology for this project.


Later, after the coupling of hulls, 300 ton lifing capacity floating crane „Maja“ assisted in  mounting the ship‘s superstructure. Extremely complex and technically unique were WINDLIFT1 supporting structures ("legs") mounting works. Four, each almost weighing 350 tons and 71 m length supporting constructions "legs" installation work lasted two weeks. Along with the "legs" one of the biggest ship parts – 500 tons lifting capacity crane was hoisted and mounted.


The four "legs" will have to bear all more than 6000 tons of weight ship with powerful cranes and other sophisticated equipment, also approximately 50 people working there. Therefore, highly durable, high, rarely used F690 QL-class steel supports were used for the production. VLG welders were taught special welding technology secrets by steel producers from Germany ("Dillinger Huite"), and by welding materials consultants from the U.S. A ("Lincoln Electric") and Austria ("Bohller").


The jack-up ship, built for BARD Companies group is driven by a four-wheel-propulsion mechanism, each with the capacity of 1100 KW. One main 500 t lifting capacity and the auxiliary 25 t capacity crane are mounted on the ship, also a helicopter landing site. Such world famous companies, as Wartsila, SAM Elektronics, Bosch Rextroth and Gusto electronics, hydraulics, navigation, dynamic positioning and other systems are mounted and installed onboard. The ship's draft is 3.5 m, her speed is 8 knots.


„Huge respect and gratitude to all employees, contractors, equipment manufacturers and suppliers, the client engaged ship supervision team for a fair and challenging work, great responsibility and good cooperation in order to make this complex project to be realized. I hope that the gained invaluable experience will be used by the company moving further towards a technologically sophisticated shipbuilding market“, – A. Šileika was not laconic in sharing compliments of appreciation.


VLG whole Company group gained experience at the construction of WINDLIFT1, which will be useful in further development of the shipbuilding business for the offshore market. Many understand that this is the future energetics, so the offshore market technical construction market will really expand. „The renewable energy, including wind energy, by today, is the actual subject for discussions all over the world, and the BLRT Grupp Concern is interested in participating in this discussion. Along with the ship WINDLIFT1 and the transformer  platform, we are building offshore wind turbine foundations. In addition, we try to keep abreast with global trends in developing the alternative energy sources, and have already made several excellent contracts related to wind energy“ – spoke F. Berman.

J-SC Western Shipyard Company group celebrates the worthy 40 year business activity jubilee this year. J-SC Western Shipyard Company group consists of 23 companies with different specialization. The Estonian Concern "BLRT GROUP" is the holder of  the control 95,78% stock of  J-SC Western Shipyard shares. About 1500 people are on the Company group payroll.


German company BARD Engineering GmbH was established in September 2003 due to international investments. BARD Company Group produces all parts, necessary for wind farms, and operates them. More about:  

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