Airport, EU – Baltic States, Latvia, Lithuania, Tourism, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Wednesday, 12.03.2025, 10:44

airBaltic resumes flights from Vilnius to London

Danuta Pavilenene, BC, Vilnius, 03.03.2010.Print version
Latvian airline airBaltic resumes direct flights from Vilnius to London on March 11. The company will operate two flights a week until March 29 and further on airBaltic will offer a total of four flights to London a week.

"Vilnius Airport is first among the Baltic States to show a recovery in its volume of passengers after 18 months of a difficult economic situation. We are glad to resume flights between Vilnius and London, we also consider the possibility of offering more direct flights from the capital of Lithuania," said Tadas Vizgirda, Director General of airBaltic representation office in Lithuania.


airBaltic will perform flights from Vilnius to Gatwick Airport in London on Thursdays and Saturdays. Starting from the end of March the airline will launch two more flights to the capital of Great Britain – on Mondays and Wednesdays.


Currently airBaltic operates direct flights from Vilnius Airport to Paris, Berlin, Munich, Amsterdam, Rome, Copenhagen and Riga.


airBaltic plans to resume more flights from Vilnius Airport. The airline will offer flights to Tallinn (as of March 28), to Dublin (as of March 29), to Hamburg (as of March 30) and Oslo (as of May 17), informs ELTA/LETA.

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