EU – Baltic States, History, Latvia, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Sunday, 08.09.2024, 03:34

Wreckage of pre-war Latvian icebreaker "Krisjanis Valdemars" identified in Finnish waters

Alla Petrova, BC, Riga, 11.11.2011.Print version
At the beginning of November 2011, an expedition took place in the Gulf of Finland, during which the wreckage of the pre-war Latvian icebreaker "Krisjanis Valdemars" was identified, the Port of Riga informed the business information portal

Divers began making expeditions to the ship about three years ago, after it was discovered by an Estonian captain. The wreckage is located about 100 meters deep in the Gulf of Finland, writes LETA.


This year, special underwater robots were sent down to record the wreckage with special equipment, during which the ship was identified as the pre-war Latvian icebreaker "Krisjanis Valdemars".


The "Krisjanis Valdemars" was the only Latvian steamship operating in the 1920's and 1930's. It made its maiden voyage from Riga Port on January 13, 1926.


The icebreaker was used to open up shipping lanes to Riga Port, however, it was also seen as one of the young country's prides and was used to escort the Latvian president and government members on foreign visits.


After Latvia was occupied during WWII the ship was nationalized and was evacuated to Tallinn. In 1941, the "Krisjanis Valdemars" made it final voyage after it was sunk after hitting an underwater mine in the Baltic Sea on August 28, 1941.

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