Analytics, Insurance, Lithuania, Society, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Friday, 20.09.2024, 04:35

Most Lithuanian drivers claim traffic safety can be increased by educating culture

BC, Vilnius, 17.06.2013.Print version
Regardless of the age or driving experience, more than half of Lithuania's drivers believe that education of driving culture would improve traffic safety more than stricter penalties for violations of road traffic rules (KET) or greater number of patrol officers, says country's largest insurance company Lietuvos Draudimas after conducting the online pole. 10,000 of respondents participated in the survey, writes LETA/ELTA.

However, the reality does not match the driver's judgment of their behaviour. Surveys and traffic experts say that large fines and police officers visible in the roads also encourage drivers to follow KET.


"Our conducted survey showed that drivers think that traffic safety on the roads would be mostly improved if greater attention was paid to the training of drivers' culture. 57 percent out of 10,000 respondents stated such opinion, "says Head of Lietuvos Draudimas Citizens Insurance Department Andrius Gimbickas.

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