Baltic States – CIS, Estonia, EU – Baltic States, Railways, Transport

International Internet Magazine. Baltic States news & analytics Monday, 23.09.2024, 14:24

Parts: Rail Baltica developes simultaneously with train traffic within Estonia’s borders

BC, Tallinn, 02.07.2013.Print version
Estonian Minister of Economic Affairs and Communications Juhan Parts stated that development of Rail Baltica project continues simultaneously with developing train traffic within Estonia’s borders, writes LETA/National Broadcasting.

According to the minister, optimistic plans would make it possible to travel from Estonia to Central Europe on passenger trains in 2023.


The focal point in the co-operation between countries is creating a joint enterprise, but Lithuania questions the rationality of such a move.


“We have no reached the point where this joint enterprise will have to be launched, i.e. real investments have to be made,” said Parts. He explained that this is necessary so that Rail Baltic would get a so-called financial owner and hoped that the issue would be resolved during the coming weeks or months.

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